Elizabeth Dawson was born on 11/17/1925, as P¡link¡s Erzsbet in Budapest Hungary to devoutCatholics, P¡link¡s Jzsef and Waller Anna. She had a wonderful childhood with 7 siblings andmany great stories. Her father was her favorite topic. He was so kind and faithful. His family alwayscame first. When the daughters would argue about doing the dishes, he would not yell or scold. Hewould say to them to put the dishes on the floor. The dogs had no problem doing them. This stoppedthe arguing with disgusted sounds coming from the girls. After finishing school, Elizabeth went to work in the factory. She was a crane operator. This is whereshe met her future husband, Dravecz Imre or Emery Dawson after coming to America. Elizabeth was notafraid of hard work but she had a very playful and mischievous side. Any of her children orgrandchildren can tell you many stories about her playing practical jokes or teasing. (Always in goodtaste though) She married Imre on May 21, 1949. Her first pregnancy was a miscarriage. She didn't talkabout it much as it was too painful for her. Shortly after the birth of her son Emery, they had to leavethe country. It was the revolution of 1956 and a very dangerous time in communist Hungary. At onepoint she spent time in a concentration camp with her husband and child. They were detained to makesure that they were not Jewish. Right across a one lane dirt road was a camp holding Jews. She couldhear and smell the atrocities that were taking place. Hard for anyone but for a mother of a 5 year oldchild, it was terrifying. After approximately one day, they were allowed to leave. While walking in theforest they had to hide from some German SS soldiers. Her husband spoke 4 languages at the time andGerman was one of them. He understood what they soldiers were saying but Elizabeth did not. She hadto keep quiet and keep her son quiet also. This literally meant their lives.They basically walked from Hungary to America. The boat ride was hard. Elizabeth didn't like large shipsand was sea sick most of the way, as were a lot of other people. But on January 7th, 1957 they arrivedin America! The land of opportunity and freedom. Freedomsomething Emery and Elizabeth neverexperienced in their lives and now their child will grow up not know the oppressive government. With asign of relief they started on how they were going to live, learn the language and take advantage ofwhat this country was offering to them. One day a week, Hungarian was not allowed to be spoken inthe house. They were in America! They needed to learn the language, the laws and to be a part of thisgreat country. On March 15th, 1957 they arrived in Salt Lake City Utah. Emery wanted to go on to California, butElizabeth had had enough traveling. She wanted to stay put. Their second son was born thatNovember.Elizabeth started working as a maid to help the family. Her third child was born in 1964, a daughter.Emery worked days and Elizabeth worked nights. This meant no daycare and she could be there for herhusband and her children. With a lot of hard work and dedication, she became the ExecutiveHousekeeper for the Salt Lake Hilton, where she stayed for many years. She loved her job and thepeople that she worked with. The family loved going camping, boating and riding motorcycles. Emery built a cabin for Elizabeth andtheir family. Elizabeth loved going out there every weekend and spending vacations in the quiet of theproperty. When Elizabeth was a small child, she was very sick and there was concern that she would never live tobe an adult. God had a special plan for her. So many people needed to have her in their lives, that sheoutlived all of her siblings and her husband. Elizabeth was a great gift to everyone she met. There weretimes that she would tell you exactly what she thought with blunt honesty, but never was it for anypurpose than to show people how important they are or the error of their ways. So many have learnedfrom her what it is to be a strong person. She was amazing and will be greatly, sorely missed. Nagyonszeretlek Nagymama! Az orok vilagossag fenyeskedjek neki es nyugodjon bekessegben. Amen (We loveyou so much Grandma! May the eternal light shine on her and may she rest in peace. Amen) Elizabeth passed away on March 18, 2015, at the home of her son, Joseph and his wife Kathie who wasElizabeth's main caregiver for the last few months of her life. Thank you to all the help taking care ofMom and especially Rocky Mountain Hospice and Salt Lake County Aging and Adult Services. Survived by her sons, Emery Dawson, Joseph (Kathie) Dawson; and daughter Mary Dawson; 7grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren. Place of Birth:Budapest, HungaryPlace of Death:Taylorsville, Utah